EMC Company: maintenance and inspection of metering devices

exhibitor in focus

United Metrological Service ("UMS") specialises in comprehensive metering services, including installation, metrological verification and repair.

EMC Company: maintenance and inspection of metering devices
The company has its own accredited laboratory in Moscow.
The company performs verification:
  • water meters,
  • flow meters,
  • gas meters,
  • heat meters and heat calculators,
  • thermometers and thermal converters,
  • temperature difference measurement kits,
  • portable verification units,
  • and also produces:
  • pressure measurement,
  • vacuum measurements.
Also the company "EMC" performs repair works, as well as works on installation and dismantling of metering devices.
Visit VacuumTechExpo 2024, which will be held from 9 to 11 April at Expocentre in Pavilion 5. The exhibition will showcase new vacuum and cryogenic equipment.

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